ADP Says Rebranding Foreshadows New Product Developments

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ADP rolled out a complete rebranding built around the idea that work is about “achieving something greater for one’s self and others.” The campaign is the company’s first 360-degree marketing effort and includes its first television spots in addition to messaging in print, social media, digital outlets and out-of-home advertising

In both interviews and media kits, @ADP discusses the "Always Designing for People” rebranding in the same way it would a new product. #HR #HRTech Share on X

In both interviews and media kits, ADP discusses the rebranding in the same way it might describe a new product. “What we’re launching today really is the next great milestone for us as a company and as we continue to transform,” Chief Marketing Officer Lorraine Barber-Miller told the HCM Technology Report.

That said, the campaign “is not necessarily independent or a replacement of product development and what’s to come,” she added. ADP “continues to innovate” and over the next several months will announce new developments and enhancements to its product portfolio. In essence, the rebranding is paving the way for the introduction of new products.

ADP's Lorraine Barber-Miller
ADP’s Lorraine Barber-Miller

Barber-Miller said the campaign targets employers as well as employees with the message that work is about more than simply showing up. Rather, it’s about contributing to something greater, thus enriching one’s life as a whole.

“We believe that there’s an opportunity here to create a new narrative in the HCM industry, and to transcend the industry and really understand what motivates individuals, their aspirations, why they work,” Barber-Miller explained. “We do believe there’s more to work than what people do or just a paycheck. There’s really that ambition or personal reasons.”  

ADP said the campaign’s tagline, “Always Designing for People” both describes the company’s approach and reinforces its focus on reimagining work as a more rewarding, more personalized experience. By “always designing for people,” Barber-Miller said, “we reimagine the world of work by designing products, services and experiences that people love to use every day.”

Anticipating Change

Now 70 years old, ADP developed some of HR technology’s first offerings and has a notable presence is most every market, from microbusiness to enterprise. Over the years, it’s convinced many businesses that it’s the natural, if not inevitable, solution to their HR challenges.

At the same time, a number of customers have expressed frustration with ADP’s customer service and described its products with words like “clunky” and “difficult.” Still, the business-data firm Datanyze says ADP’s 9.7 percent market share is the second highest in the HCM tech universe. (Ultimate Software occupies the top spot with a 13 percent share.)

“We do have proven ability to anticipate change in the world of work and to position ourselves as the leaders of technological advancement, helping to eliminate barriers and simplifying the complexities for workers,” Barber-Miller said. “Really, this is about linking our past to our future and starting a new global conversation with all of those who work.”

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Image: ADP

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