CareerArc Launches Video Assessment Tool for Job Seekers


CareerArc has integrated an AI and video tool into its placement platform to help candidates evaluate their soft skills and character traits through brief, self-guided interviews.

Candidates can use the insights generated through the video assessment to refine the presentation of their personal brand during interviews, on their resumes and while networking. The company said the “AI-powered psychometric technology” was built with language processing, machine learning and assessment science.

.@CareerArc launched a video-assessment tool to help candidates evaluate their own soft skills, personality traits. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Specifically, the assessment provides helps candidates understand the qualities they possess by measuring engagement, emotions, facial expressions and other gestures. With that understanding, candidates will be in a better position to spotlight their appropriate soft skills, such as adaptability, curiosity, creativity, attention to detail and communication styles.

CareerArc said the value of those skills is often difficult for job seekers to describe.

3 Step Assessment Tool

The assessment is completed in three steps:

  • Candidates record themselves as they answer three common interview questions, then review and re-record their responses as many times as they like before submitting.
  • The AI assesses the candidate’s submissions to surface their unique soft skills and personality traits.
  • Candidates receive a “Soft Skills and Character Traits Report,” which they can review to determine the best way to highlight each skill or trait.

With a tidal wave of layoffs sweeping through the economy along with the COVID-19 pandemic, CareerArc believes job seekers must do everything they can to make themselves more marketable.

The company, which says it’s the only HR tech firm to offer both social recruiting and virtual outplacement solutions, helps organizations manage the hiring of new talent and moving employees out of the organization.  

CareerArc’s outplacement products help connect candidates with career coaches and provide personalized guidance for each individual.

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Image: CareerArc

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