Points of View

Our guest columns feature the insights and observations of leading members of the HCM technology community, who write about everything from product design and implementation to using tech solutions to their fullest extent.

In this guest column, Bob Smith, director of HR Technology for Acme Metrics in Ashland, New York, describes his approach to balancing desktop and mobile self-service investments. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam finibus tortor quis ex ornare varius. Pellentesque faucibus dignissim varius. Integer pulvinar, risus nec...
In this guest column, Tom English looks at five HCM technology implementation issues that often leave HR professionals, company executives and the workforce as a whole with a less-than-happy experience. Human Capital Management is, for many, what HR used to be. Think of it as Human Resources for the modern...
Building a workplace where people want to spend their entire careers takes commitment and a long-term investment, says Ultimate Software's Chief People Officer Vivian Maza. But the results will be well worth the time and effort. For many organizations, employee retention is an ongoing challenge. There are talent shortages...
In this Point of View, Adam Rogers, co-CEO and chief technology officer at Ultimate Software, shows us how organizations can use lessons learned by others to put technology to its best use. In today’s world, every successful company is a tech company. It’s become impossible to separate business strategy from technological innovation. That’s why everyone from retailers to...
In this Point of View, Ultimate Software's Co-CEO Adam Rogers looks at how emerging systems will revolutionize the way organizations make hiring, firing and compensation decisions. Despite the intrinsic contradiction, it’s clear that artificial intelligence and machine learning are primed to play a leading role in HCM's future. As...
In this guest column, APPrise Mobile CEO Jeff Corbin offers three questions that will ensure your employees receive the information they need. Employee communications and employee engagement are one and the same, right? Wrong. While there’s no doubt they both play an important role in the workplace,...
In this Point of View Vivian Maza, chief people officer at Ultimate Software, explains why effective benefits programs require constant care and feeding. Each company’s open enrollment is a major annual milestone. For employees, it’s the crucial time to choose the best benefits for themselves and their families. It’s also crucial for HR to...
In this Point of View, Covalence Consulting CEO Raymond Nunn details the key elements HR departments should be aware of when tackling a cloud-based HCM software effort. Human Resources teams are often tasked with spearheading project success when organizations gear up to move to a cloud-based HCM solution. This may seem like...
In this Point of View, Ultimate Software Chief Services Officer Julie Dodd explains why HR technologies play such a critical role in a company's retention efforts. Attracting and retaining the best talent is a top priority for all organizations, which is why the best companies invest in advanced HR technologies...
In this Point of View, Ultimate Software Vice President of Human Resources Kathleen Pai shows how culture and smart management help employers leverage remote workers--without sacrificing engagement. Shifts in workplace culture and connective technologies have created an influx of remote workers. In fact, 25 percent of the workforce works...