Data & Analytics

No one can question the importance of analytics in the business world. As the technology behind data use becomes more sophisticated, HR departments are challenged to find metrics that provide true and accurate measures of both their performance and that of the organization’s workforce as a whole. Here we examine the progress of technology surrounding data’s use and explore how companies can ensure they’re measuring the correct things.

The application of workforce analytics has experienced a “stunning regression” since 2014, according to a recent report. This comes despite aggressive efforts by data experts and HCM consultants to inject the use of analytics into everything from candidate screening to engagement measurement and workforce planning. The 2018 Global Leadership Forecast—by...
While HCM technology vendors trumpet their advancements in artificial intelligence and analytics, it appears their customers' executives are increasingly nervous about the possible repercussions of relying on flawed data or analytics. According to KPMG's "Guardians of Trust" report, just 35 percent of executives have "a high trust level" when it...
One of the most promising tools for truly measuring engagement is growing its presence in Europe and now entering the U.S. KeenCorp, headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, integrates its software with company email systems to gauge how employees feel at any given moment. Unlike surveys, it requires no effort...
We spoke with Eric Duffy, the founder and CEO of New York-based Pathgather, a learning-platform provider that sees organizations becoming "universities of the 21st century." To Duffy, learning departments face huge challenges when it comes to keeping up with content production, rapidly changing development needs and an ever-expanding list...
Employers, engagement specialists and HCM technology vendors don't expect to see dramatic shifts in their approach to addressing sexual harassment any time soon. Despite recent headlines of high-ranking men using their positions to pressure women into quid pro quo situations, vendors, client-side tech leaders and HR professionals aren’t positioning technology...
So far, 2017 seems to be the year of the HCM technology startup. Before the end of 2016, the sector had hit an annual all-time high in deal counts, according to CBInsights, with nearly $2 billion invested. From what we can see, the issues these new companies are trying...
New York-based Pymetrics is betting that it can minimize bias and improve the performance of candidate-screening by identifying the traits that contribute to a person’s success in a role and applying them to your incoming job applications. Everyone talks about bias in recruiting, and more HR experts are looking to technology...
Human Resource's efforts to integrate itself more fully into business operations and strategy got a shot in the arm last week when an international group of institutional investors petitioned the Securities and Exchange Commission to require publicly traded companies to disclose information on human capital management policies, practices and performance.  The...
Microsoft has unveiled Workplace Analytics, an add-on to Office 365 Enterprise plans that gathers aggregate metadata from Office 365 users and puts it to work generating information that's largely about productivity. As an example, it can crunch email and calendar data to calculate how many meetings workers attend each...
SHRM’s annual conference is something that has to be experienced to be appreciated. This year, 15,415 HR professionals attended 226 presentations and walked more than 200,000 square feet of exhibit space showing off the products of 648 vendors. What couldn’t be estimated was how many attendees appreciated the irony...