
The speed with which technology is reaching into every aspect of Human Resources is astounding. Once the province of enterprise-level organizations, HR tools are becoming more accessible to companies of all sizes and, just as interestingly, growing narrower in what issues they're meant to address. Startups are creating products to...
In this guest column, Jimmy Franzone, vice president of corporate development for TriNet in San Leandro, Calif., describes the growing importance of mobile HR technology to employers of all sizes. There’s no doubt we live in a mobile world. A report by ComScore finds that mobile business users make up...
By now, most everyone involved in HCM technology has been involved in some kind of discussion about “digital transformation” and “digital business,” not to mention the pressure from employees to have access to simpler, consumer-like self-service tools. However, according to the process-automation company Nintex, HR isn’t even among the...
  AI and machine learning enthusiasts don’t like to talk about it much, but get a drink into them and sooner or later they’ll admit metrics have biases. Amazon’s just learned that lesson the hard way. About two weeks ago Amazon, which has pushed the use of AI into nearly every...
Small and mid-sized business throughout the Americas are moving more of their activities to the cloud, indicating that business for cloud-based HCM solutions providers will expand rapidly in emerging markets like Central and South America. Consultants who can help companies move to the cloud also are in a position to...
In this guest column, Armen Berjikly, senior director of strategy at Ultimate Software, explains why ethics and a code of conduct is critical to the success or failure of your AI systems. Artificial intelligence in the workplace is rapidly progressing from fantasy to a pervasive reality that impacts the entire employee journey, from hire...
In this Point of View, Covalence Consulting CEO Raymond Nunn details the key elements HR departments should be aware of when tackling a cloud-based HCM software effort. Human Resources teams are often tasked with spearheading project success when organizations gear up to move to a cloud-based HCM solution. This may seem like...
Ensuring a consistent experience across a global organization is one of the most daunting aspects of implementing an enterprise HR services delivery platform. Not only must the needs of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of employees be addressed, the requirements of different languages, regulations and local practices must be considered, as well. Those...
In this guest column, Tom English looks at five HCM technology implementation issues that often leave HR professionals, company executives and the workforce as a whole with a less-than-happy experience. Human Capital Management is, for many, what HR used to be. Think of it as Human Resources for the modern...
Transcript Mark Feffer: I'm Mark Feffer and this is People Tech, news from the world of HR technology, from the HCM Technology Report. This edition of People Tech is brought to you by advos HR Workplace Edition. It provides the information and tools you need to elevate your company's brand using a collaboration and...