Employ Acquires Lever, Adds Capabilities to Suite

Employ Combo

Employ Inc. acquired Lever, a talent acquisition suite that offers ATS and CRM capabilities in one product.

In a blog post, Employ Chief Marketing Officer Allie Kelly said the transaction makes Employ the largest modern provider of talent acquisition solutions. By adding Lever, she said, the company becomes home to 850 employees serving 18,000 customers. In addition, it supports 3.1 million active jobs, nearly 500 million candidates and 4.9 million hires over the past 12 months.

Employ Inc. acquired Lever, a talent acquisition suite that offers ATS and CRM capabilities in one product. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Employ was formed in March 2022 to be a corporate home for Jobvite, JazzHR and NXTThing RPO. “[While] it feels like we are still just getting started, we have come remarkably far in a short amount of time,” Kelly said.  

Employ offers applicant tracking, recruitment marketing, internal mobility, employee referral, analytics, AI and recruitment process outsourcing from a single solution provider. Lever said that with its joining the company, Employ becomes the world’s largest modern Talent Acquisition suite provider.

Leveraging Strengths

“It makes abundant sense that Lever would join the fray with JazzHR, Jobvite and NXTThing RPO,” said Brent Skinner, co-founder of 3Sixty Insights, where he leads the firm’s HCM practice. “We believe that the pieces of the puzzle to a progressive talent acquisition suite are indeed right in front of us. With its modern software for candidate relationship management, Lever brings to Employ a progressive solution capable of integrating easily with widely used application tracking systems.”

In his own blog post, Lever CEO Nate Smith said the company will continue to invest in its existing product development plans, as well as JazzHR’s and Jobvite’s. “[We will] leverage our combined strengths to grow faster in combination,” he said.

Lever’s Lever Hire and Lever Nurture features allow employers to grow their pipelines, build relationships and properly source appropriate candidates for every job. Lever Analytics provides customized reports with data visualization to aid strategic decision-making by talent acquisition leaders, hiring managers and executives. In addition, Lever’s platform enables companies to hire inclusively, helping measure and eliminate hiring bias.

In February, Jobvite, JazzHR and NXTThing RPO were acquired by the private equity firm K1 Investment Management, which organized them into a single business entity, Employ Inc. The individual companies continue to operate under their respective brands. Peter Lamson, formerly CEO of JazzHR, leads the new company.

In June, Lever launched its Talent Maturity Model to help companies understand their hiring practices and identify areas for improvement. The aim, the company said, is to help customers keep pace “with a shifting environment and people’s needs.”

In his blog post, Smith said Employ will continue funding according to its existing existing plans for Lever, JazzHR and Jobvite product development and we will “leverage our combined strengths to grow faster in combination.”

Image: 123RF

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