Fuel50 Adds Virtual Career Support, Tools for ‘Evolving’ Work


Fuel50 added two features to its talent experience platform: ones delivers virtual career support to employers who need to restructure their workforce due to the coronavirus, the others designed to support evolving approaches to work.

The first product, called FuelFutures, is meant to help employers quickly respond to the rapidly changing effects of COVID-19. FuelFutures helps redeploy workers and offers career support to those who may face redundancy or layoffs. It’s available as a standalone solution.

.@Fuel50 adds features to help redeploy workers, offer career support to those who may face layoffs. #HR #HRTech #HRTribe Share on X

A Moody’s Analytics study cited by the company found that up to 80 million U.S. jobs are currently at risk. Moody’s said hiring has dropped 13 percent between December and March 13. Separate media reports have speculated that layoffs may soon begin throughout the retail and hospitality sectors.

Anne Fulton, Fuel50’s CEO, said CHROs are having to “urgently rethink” their talent strategies, redeploy staff and reduce their headcount. FuelFutures, she said, provides employees with access to opportunities outside of their current company, career coaches and other resources.

In addition to FuelFutures, the company said three of its tools might be particularly useful at this time:

  • FuelArchitecture, which offers virtual collaboration tools to support an organization’s redesign.
  • FuelMobility, a talent matching tool that helps identify best-fit workers.
  • FuelGigs, which helps companies redeploy employees to handle more immediate task priorities. For example, a business may need to ramp up food delivery services as people around the world isolate themselves.

Seeking Flatter Structures

Last week, Fuel50 introduced Talent Blueprint, a toolset designed to help employers move toward flatter, more agile structures. Fulton said the product provides leaders with “clarity” on the skills and capabilities that are in place within their organization, then helps adapt their workforce to meet changing business requirements and organizational strategies.

Talent Blueprint is designed to help companies evolve toward flatter structures and become more networked, and so help them deploy more fluid teams to address business challenges as they change.

The company’s platform uses AI to forecast talent and skills needs to help employers prepare for future requirements.

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Image: Fuel50

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