Hibob Adds Compensation Management Module


Hibob added a compensation management module to its HRIS platform, called bob, as a way to help growing businesses evaluate and allocate their compensation budgets.

The module simplifies and automates pay allocation, including bonuses and equity awards, the company said. CEO Ronni Zehavi called it “a one-stop solution” for managing compensation distribution while navigating governance and risk needs. The product is designed to allow multiple stakeholders address compensation needs and compliance, he said.

.@hibob_hr launched a compensation-management solution as part of its HR platform, with an eye toward simplifying the process. #HR #HRTech Share on X

The new feature also helps leadership provide HR teams with the tools to necessary to make informed compensation decisions, Hibob said. It provides data as users review compensation, helping to simplify processes. Hibob said the module also eliminates the need for HR to spend time data and updating spreadsheets.

Available now, Hibob’s compensation management solution is an added layer to the platform’s capabilities, which are designed for mid-sized companies.

“This new capability will provide our clients with the opportunity to collaborate and track compensation in a single, intuitive platform,” Zehavi said.

In July, Hibob announced bob HR for Microsoft Teams, an integration that helps employees keep current with company news and information, onboard and communicate with HR. The company said the integration will help cultivate culture remotely, make HR more transparent and support collaboration. Last year, the company integrated with Slack.

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