HR Departments Continue Adopting AI to Improve Performance

Future HR

The great majority of HR practitioners believe AI will make even further inroads into their practices over the next five years.

According to Eightfold AI’s HR Future State 2021 report, nearly 82% of the practitioners surveyed think HR teams will incorporate more AI tools into their talent management processes during that period.

Most HR practitioners say AI will make even further inroads into their practices over the next five years. #HR #HRTech @EightfoldAI Share on X

More than 50% of companies already use AI-related technologies in their talent management processes, the report said. Meanwhile, 45% of survey respondents agreed that using AI in HR drives business impact and boosts the scalability of their company.

Some 60% of HR leaders plan to use AI to promote inclusion and equity among employees, as well as to upskill and reskill employees to prepare them for the future with the company, Eightfold said. Nearly 50% said re-skilling and upskilling current employees would be the fastest and most effective way to impact their organization.

Shifting Landscape

“The nature of work continues to evolve, and the talent gap continues to widen,” said Ligia Zamora, Eightfold’s chief marketing officer. “HR leaders are responding to today’s challenges by embracing technology, specifically AI, and bringing initiatives that were planned for the next several years into their current scope.” The key insight from the report, she said : Forward-thinking HR leaders are not only ready to embrace AI, but in many ways already have.

The HR Future State report leverages data from Eightfold AI’s Talent Intelligence Platform and a survey of 224 HR practitioners to get a feel for the tendencies and trends that are most critical to HR organizations.  

In February, Eightfold AI added a Career Hub module to its talent management platform. The product gives both HR and employees more flexibility in their approach to development by providing intelligence and advice within a single platform.

The solution leverages AI, multiple data sources and matching algorithms in a comprehensive user experience. Eightfold’s underlying global data helps the system consider the availability, maturity, relevance, learnability and evolution of skills in the global market, which in turn helps companies to be specific with their upskilling and reskilling programs, the company said.

Image: iStock

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