Leoforce Launches Arya 3.0; More Intelligent Recruiting is its Goal

Leoforce Arya

Leoforce released Arya 3.0, a new version of its AI-based recruiting product. The company said Arya is now the first recruiting platform to combine AI sourcing from internal databases, job boards and social networks with phone, text, email and bot-driven engagement.

Arya’s new iteration includes an interface designed to simplify access to its new functionality, a multi-channel screening and engagement module, self-serve interview scheduling, ATS refresh and the ability to review real-time results. The product also compiles candidates from multiple sources into a single list.

Leoforce released Arya 3.0, a new version of its AI-based recruiting product that combines #AI with phone, text, email and bot-driven engagement. #HR #HRTech #Recruiting @LeoforceArya Share on X

Leoforce CEO Madhu Modugu said Arya combines AI sourcing with “a comprehensive engagement tool” that’s fully integrated with a simple-to-use automation platform. “We’ve spent a lot of time strategically planning, building, and refining this new release,” he said.

Arya combines sourcing, engagement and intelligence tools with an eye toward making it easier for recruiters to develop close conversations with candidates. It does that in part by automating the initial steps of recruiting, such as qualifying candidates, so recruiters can have more time to focus on relationship-building.

One part of the platform, Arya Connect, personalizes communications to fit with each individual’s style and personality, thus engaging them in the way they’re most comfortable with. The result, in Leoforce’s words, is that “recruiters are now able to combine the powerful benefits of AI without losing the importance of the human touch.”

Leoforce and Transparency

The company said Arya 3.0 pulls real-time data to continually improve results. The platform is meant to overcome silos by sharing the data points of each hire across the company so recruiters can leverage hiring patterns and other information that have contributed to earlier recruiting campaigns.  

Transparency is a big part of Leoforce’s pitch. “We all know about Amazon scrapping their AI tool because of biases toward women really tainted the ‘AI recruiting’ name,” it said in a blog post. “That’s why we’ve recognized that it’s so important to be transparent about what our AI is actually doing behind the scenes.”

The platform does that by continuously assessing and refining its algorithms for bias, clarity and data security. It monitors, refines and tests each data point for “fairness, accuracy and relevance.” So far as we know, Leoforce is the first company to make that kind of claim, though it will be sometime before anyone can be sure Arya works as advertised.

“Our goal is to bring an objective and diverse approach to a previously subjective recruiting process,” Modugu said.

Separately, Leoforce and BountyJobs, a recruiter marketplace and platform that connects employers and search firms. Together, the companies will work to quickly pair recruiters with appropriate clients and talent.

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Image: Leoforce

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