New ADP Dashboard Helps Employers Apply Data to DEI


In April, ADP added new tools to its analytics solution, ADP DataCloud, to help businesses analyze their diversity and better allocate staff resources. Amin Venjara, DataCloud’s vice president of product management, said the company is pleased with customer reaction thus far.

“As many organizations extend and expand their DEI programs, the DEI dashboard has proven to be an essential tool to assess, plan and drive meaningful action,” he said. The platform helps customers identify key information used to create and maintain a DEI program, and can eliminate weeks of data gathering and analysis.

New features of @ADP DataCloud help employers better understand the dynamics of their workforce and actively pursue diversity goals. #HR #HRTech Share on X

DataCloud’s DEI Dashboard and Organizational Benchmarks Dashboard are designed to help employers better understand the dynamics of their workforce and actively pursue diversity goals within their business.

“The new capabilities demonstrate how ADP DataCloud helps answer common business questions that previously were difficult to answer or required custom analytics projects,” said Jack Berkowitz, ADP DataCloud senior vice president of product development. “These questions, involving diversity and organizational comparisons to other companies, represent some of the most important workplace issues of today.”

The DEI Dashboard lets companies see the makeup of their workforce and identify whether any groups are underrepresented. Users can focus on the issues that are most important to them as they work through tabs with questions that ask about the level of diversity in their company, which areas are lagging and how diverse is the organization’s leadership.

The dashboard also allows users to examine diversity by organization, department and job level. Users can explore their DEI metrics and break down data by categories such as ethnicity, gender, age, disability or veteran status. The idea is to help companies identify trends over time and allow them to better set, track and expand their goals.

Numbers in Context

DataCloud’s organizational benchmarks are designed to help organizations gain perspective on areas such as headcount, skills and labor costs by comparing their numbers with those of peer companies. It uses ADP’s workforce data set to:

  • Compare organizational metrics like headcount, labor costs and turnover against similar businesses.
  • Advise which jobs or departments leaders should invest in.
  • Identify areas of the company that could be over-invested and recommend redeployment capital into other jobs.
  • Analyze areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

“Benchmarking has been the No. 1 ask from customers,” Venjara said, adding that ADP will release additional benchmarking capabilities in the coming months.

Additional new features  include Workforce Compensation Analysis, which uses ADP’s benchmarks to perform compensation competitiveness assessments across an entire organization. Also, there’s Turnover Risk Headlines, which surfaces situations that might not be immediately obvious to business managers, such as employees who are likely to leave the organization because of low compensation, high overtime or long periods of time since their last promotion. 

In March, Qualtrics released Qualtrics DEI, a solution to help organizations uncover insights about internal diversity in order to help drive change. The product uses best practices and a validated model to measure drivers of inclusion across the entire employee experience.  


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