New Products from Glint, BetterUp Personalize Development

Glint 360s

Glint and BetterUp each launched features that emphasize personalization as a way to provide employees with a more engaging development experience. For Glint, it’s about feedback. For BetterUp, it’s about coaching.

Glint, owned by LinkedIn, announced Glint 360s. Designed to work with the company’s Engage and Perform tools, the product helps users create and align their development and business goals. At the same time, it connect the engagement, performance and development experiences, Glint said.

Glint, @BetterUp launch features that emphasize personalization in employee development, engagement. #HRTech #HR #HRTribe @GlintInc Share on X

Meanwhile, BetterUp unveiled a personalized development tool and improved its ability to match coaches to employees. The company said the features, called Identify and Coaching Clouds, will help organizations deliver more effective coaching, at scale, at all levels.

Glint’s Aim: Personalize, Simplify Feedback

With 360s, Glint seems to have set itself a pragmatic goal: Make the administration of 360-feedback less clunky. The company notes that while 360-degree assessments gather input from a variety of sources—colleagues, managers and direct reports among them—they’re cumbersome to deploy and manage.

Glint 360s prompts ongoing conversations about an employee’s strengths and performance that should help managers work with their reports on development issues outside of regular performance reviews, Glint said.

Among the product’s features:

  • Interactive, Simple-to-Design Reporting: Besides simplifying the solicitation of feedback, the product lets users more closely examine their data, analyze their feedback and understand their opportunities.
  • Goal-Creation and Follow-Up: Users can create goals directly from the feedback they receive, invite their managers’ participation and track their progress. Goals from Glint Engage, Perform and 360s are integrated in one place, streamlining users’ ability to work on their goals across platforms.
  • Simplify HR Administration:Automation of key processes such as set-up, communication, response-tracking, follow-up and report generation helps minimize the time HR staff requires to oversee the product’s use.

In addition, Glint said that Engage and 360s will help organizations identify groups that say they’ve been disengaged by a lack of development.

Personalized Coaching to More People

BetterUp rolled out Identify and Coaching Clouds at its annual customer conference, Uplift. The company described Identify as a proprietary AI that delivers “hyper-personalized development recipes.” After evaluating the needs of an organization’s workforce, the tool identifies which employees would benefit the most from coaching based on their career and learning preferences, then recommends a personalized coaching approach.

Identify uses integrated HCM to flag coaching opportunities in real-time and deliver customized content and goal-setting to users when they’re needed—for example, when an employee is promoted, returns to work as a new parent or transitions into a new role. 

Coaching Clouds operates at three levels, each of which is designed to meet the needs of a particular employee segment. 

  • Field Cloud is designed for front-line workers who interact directly with customers on a daily basis. It covers areas such as stress management, avoiding burnout and overcoming challenges that arise with regular customer contact.
  • Professional Cloud is meant for emerging leaders and high-potential individual contributors who work within a corporate office. Areas covered include topics such as motivating teams, working effectively on cross-functional teams and prioritization skills.
  • Executive Cloud offers senior executives guidance in areas such as corporate strategy, influencing skills and executive presence.  

BetterUp CEO Alexi Robichaux said the most effective growth and development programs are “hyper-personalized to the individual needs of each employee.” Although he was focused on coaching when he made the remarks, we think his words apply to feedback, as well.

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Image: Glint

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