Working it Out: Orangetheory’s Approach to Reducing Employee Stress

Ultimate Software: Reducing StressOnly 37 percent of organizations have an executive level role dedicated to internal culture and the employee experience—and that could be a concern if you’re not one of them.

Today’s job market is more employee-driven than ever, meaning that employees now have the power when it comes to choosing where they want to work. The workforce is demanding a better employee experience, and work-life balance falls high on their list of priorities.

Organizations now work diligently to create attractive and enjoyable work experiences to attract and retain top talent. Once achieved, these employers of choice enjoy much higher retention rates, as well as a steady flow of new talent ready to put their innovative ideas to good use. One of these companies, Orangetheory Fitness, is ready to share its tips on reducing employee stress to increase output and satisfaction.

In this white paper, learn the best practices followed by organizations with strong employment brands, and discover the unique ideologies practiced by Orangetheory and Ultimate Software that keep their employees happy, engaged, and fruitful.

Download this guide to discover innovative ways of crafting an employee experience that boosts retention rates while attracting better candidates to your organization.