Beamery Launches Features to Help Employers Make Better Use of Data

Recruiting AI

Beamery launched two new capabilities — Universal Skills Platform and AI Talent Match — designed to help employers leverage talent data in order to better assess the skills of their workforce. The capabilities are, Beamery said, the first explainable AI capable of full integration HR systems, skill taxonomies and role architectures.

Beamery believes that upskilling and reskilling employees in order to close skills gaps is becoming increasingly important in today’s unsettled economy. Citing research by McKinsey, the company said businesses that can realign their HR processes to match skills needs can increase employee engagement by half. At the same time, such realignment can significantly raise productivity and cut training costs.

At the same time, organizations around the world face new laws and regulations covering the ethical use of AI, potentially disrupting deployment and adding to compliance requirements, Beamery said.

.#Beamery launches features to help employers leverage talent data in order to better assess the skills of their workforce. #HR #HRTech Share on X

To address such concerns, the company’s update of the Candidate Preference Center manages AI abilities, supports compliance efforts and allows candidates to control their preferences for engaging with the employer, including how AI is used. 

“Technology developments in the last 12 months have made it possible to use AI to solve critical problems that could not have been tackled in this way previously,” said Sultan Saidov, Beamery’s co-founder and president. “But these same developments have also made it necessary for AI to be deployed with a strict methodology – one that ensures that all AI models are transparent, auditable and enable interoperability between different talent systems.”  

Aligning Job Titles With Skills

The Universal Skills Platform uses a data foundation and explainable AI capabilities to unify skills classifications and inconsistent phrasing of HCM data. The result is a single, skills-based language that can be applied throughout the talent lifecycle, Beamery said.

The feature also automates data processes, offers AI-driven recommendations and makes skills transferable between systems

Meantime, AI Talent Match automatically aligns job titles with industry context and assesses the relevancy of a candidate’s skills. The system also explains how it settled on candidates as  good matches for a role and matches skills and open roles.

Image: 123RF

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