High-Volume Hiring Solution Harver Acquires AI Assessment Firm Pymetrics

Puzzle Pieces

Volume-hiring vendor Harver acquired pymetrics, whose technology measures soft skills to help identify and bring aboard predicted successful hires. Harver said that together, the companies will address “a broad set” of talent acquisition and talent management use cases.

The acquisition pairs pymetrics’ behavioral-based AI methodology with Harver’s existing talent assessments. The result should provide organizations with a wider, deeper selection of products that can address their hiring needs for both professional and hourly employees, the companies said.

Volume-hiring vendor @HarverHRM acquired @pymetrics, to address “a broad set” of talent acquisition and talent management use cases. #HR #HRTech Share on X

“By joining forces, we will be able to offer our customers across the globe a more robust and diverse set of solutions to help them drive better talent decisions,” said Harver CEO Scott Landers. “Together, we will help enterprises maximize the potential of their employee base and empower the organizations of tomorrow.”

In a blog post, pymetrics founder and CEO Frida Polli said the companies’ missions were “incredibly aligned.” She predicted that the acquisition would help pymetrics “accelerate growth and innovation, and increase scale.” It will also create a more comprehensive platform for customers, she believes.  

Company Maneuvers

At the time of the Harver-Outmatch combination, the company said that combining capabilities would create a purpose-built solution to solve volume hiring challenges.

Harver was known as Outmatch until it rebranded late last year. (This may get confusing.) In May 2021, Outmatch acquired Harver, believing Harver’s platform complemented its assessment, video interviewing and reference-checking capabilities. The combination, Outmatch said at the time, would allow employers to make more informed, more efficient hires. The company adopted Outmatch’s name when it combined the two platforms.

pymetrics’ assesses soft skills by using neuroscience-based tools to collect “more objective, better data about people’s soft skills by watching their behavior [rather] than by asking them questions,” Polli explained on our podcast PeopleTech.

In essence, she said, pymetrics’ scientific exercises are a more accurate and predictive way to gather such data than relying on users self-reporting their own behavior. “[P]eople are notoriously bad at knowing themselves and then reporting that in an accurate way,” she said.

Image: iStock

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