15Five Adds Management Training Platform

Management Training

Performance management solutions provider 15Five added an educational component to its lineup by rolling out the Best-Self Academy. The new platform is designed to help managers develop their skills to measure and improve performance, as well as communicate effectively.

The academy provides training materials on what it calls the “key lessons” managers need to understand in order to become better leaders. It’s built around the company’s own Best-Self Management methodology, which 15Five credits for its own low attrition, growth and culture.

.@15Five added a management training platform to help develop skills to measure and improve performance and communications. #HR #HRTech Share on X

“Best-self management,” which 15Five says is drawn from research in organizational development and psychology, lies at the core of its strategy. Using the approach, leaders build cultures and introduce practices that support people as they become, and hopefully continue to be, their “best selves.” The process begins by setting at least one personal development objective and combining it with other objectives and key results.  

15Five CEO David Hassell says an increasing number of chief executives and CHROs recognize the importance of effective managers to their organization’s success. “This explains the massive adoption of technology tools in the last few years to enable manager-employee communication and performance tracking,” he said. “We’ve known for years that software tools improve performance, but manager training can significantly amplify those results.”

Enhancing Management Training

In a survey, 15Five found that 40 percent of full-time employees are somewhat or not at all confident in their manager’s ability to lead. Managers, on the other hand, are almost unanimous in their belief that they can meet employee expectations. At the same time, they’d like to improve: 75 percent want more training opportunities.

While his company has previously provided traditional resources for managers, like ebooks and webinars, Hassell said its eyes have always been on launching “a comprehensive education platform.”

Currently, the Best-Self Academy offers material on subjects such as building psychological safety and providing effective feedback. Each lesson includes help for managers who want to apply it immediately, such guidelines for effective one-on-one meetings. Over time, 15Five said, it will add programs for company leaders and individual contributors. It will then turn its attention to providing advanced courses for all users.

In July, 15Five closed about $31 million in Series B funding, bringing its total capital raised to $42.6 million.

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