Beamery Aims to Strengthen Employer Branding With New Career Sites

Beamery’s new Career Sites product is designed to help employers more easily customize job-site content and customize the candidate’s search experience depending on their location, language and browsing and application histories.

Career Sites will help enterprises provide an “e-commerce-like experience,” the company said. For example, candidates can join talent networks, subscribe to job alerts or complete applications over multiple sessions. In addition, abandonment technology allows talent acquisition teams to target users who leave the site, while automation auto-populates talent pools and personalizes nurture campaigns for prospects who convert.

Beamery's Career Sites is meant to help employers easily customize job-site content and customize the candidate’s search experience. @BeameryHQ #HR #HRTech #Recruiting Share on X

In announcing Career Sites, Beamery emphasized its “consumer-grade” approach. “We’re enabling enterprises to deliver amazing employer brand experiences, and develop meaningful connections with candidates, instead of just promoting their jobs,” said co-founder and CEO Abakar Saidov.

Career Sites is tightly integrated into Beamery’s CRM and Marketing products, giving enterprises a single platform through which to manage their entire attraction and engagement process.  

Behind the scenes, Career Sites provides employers with data to track the recruiting funnel’s performance, from sourcing to the point where a candidate drops out. Page analytics help identify bottlenecks, while pages themselves can be updated directly by TA staff using a drag-and-drop editor.

Companion Creative Services

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Along with Career Sites, the company introduced Beamery Digital, a new unit that provides creative services to support customers’ employer-branding efforts. With the move, Beamery is stepping into new territory—creative services is a different animal from technology, after all. However, the company believes it’s an area closely linked to Career Sites’ core mission.

“Employer brand is the foundation of talent attraction. But many Careers Sites, the front page of an employer’s brand, are painfully dime-a-dozen,” said Nancy Chou, Beamery’s Strategic Finance Lead. Digital’s mission, she continued, is “to develop a compelling value proposition for candidates.”

In any case, adding creative services to its line-up isn’t a hint of strategic change. “These services fall under Beamery Insights, which already provides services around change management, talent transformation, organizational design, talent strategy and more,” Chou said.

Career Sites and Engagement

Beamery has always believed that candidate engagement is a critical component of recruiting, and has made that idea the center of its product and marketing efforts.

“When we were thinking about the right positioning for the company, we kept coming back to this idea of a holistic way of managing the entire candidate journey in one place,” Vice President of Marketing Ben Slater told us in March 2019. “We kept coming back to the central currency of engagement, of it being the thing that’s consistent throughout the entire process.”

Slater also had personalization on his mind. “I think that companies need to be more personalized throughout the entire recruiting process, whether it’s the way they engage people on their website or how they create a real-time experience for candidates or leverage different types of candidate data to more effectively categorize and market to prospects,” he said.

Updated 8/1/19 to identify Nancy Chou.

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Image: Beamery

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