
“Non-traditional work.” “The workplace of the future.” “The gig economy.” “Skills shortages.” “Employee experience.” These and dozens of others labels are applied to the dynamics of the employer-employee relationship. It’s a relationship that constantly evolves along with technology, consumer expectations, societal demands, political pressures and other innumerable factors. Some trends are only about buzzwords, but many reflect fundamental changes in the way organizations use technology to manage and strengthen their workforce.

Our weekly roundup of deals, product announcements and other HR technology news. The global market for HR professional services will be worth $7.5 billion by 2025, representing a 12.4 percent CAGR, reports a study by Grand View Research. Driving the demand are the increasing needs for HR processes and the management of remote teams....
More providers of recruiting and talent acquisition solutions are zeroing in on workflows in their product design and messaging. Specifically, they’re highlighting the efficiencies and productivity increases users gain by taking advantage of their products’ improved processes. Among the latest is talent platform-provider Sense, which this week launched a package...
Our weekly roundup of deals, product announcements and other HR technology news. The HR analytics market will grow to $3.6 billion by 2024, a CAGR of 13.7 percent, according to researcher MarketsandMarkets. Its report said increasing demand to automate HR processes, scale  HR personnel efforts with the aid of advanced...
Our weekly roundup of deals, product announcements and other HR technology news. Employee communications specialists take note: According to PeopleDoc, 60.8 percent of employees ignore emails they receive at work, and 40 percent ignore HR messages specifically. Also worth noting: forty-seven percent say their level of happiness rises as emails...
HR leaders say technology is allowing them to contribute more to their organization’s success, and a full 100 percent of them report using data to support their recommendations. At the same time, however, they’re losing ground when it comes to engaging the workforce. In its Pulse of HR Survey, a study of 300...
Corporate executives claim to understand the critical role performance management and workforce development play in improving their company’s retention efforts. However, middle and front-line managers say their leaders aren’t backing up those words with real action, and are generally out of touch with what’s going on in their employees’ real world. Research by Betterworks, a...
A minority of technology CEOs plan to develop their workforce, says a report from KPMG. Given Amazon’s plans to upskill a third of its workers over the next six years, industry HR leaders have an opportunity to refocus leadership’s attention and prepare their organizations to integrate advanced systems. According to...
Employers are putting their money where their technology is, investing more in systems than they are in upskilling, according to new research from Adecco. The report comes just weeks after KPMG said only 42 percent of technology industry leaders plan to upskill their workforce, even though most analysts, if not most employers,...
HR departments are widely underrepresented when corporate leaders are immersed in discussions about workplace-transformation strategy. Yet these same executives worry about employee expectations, adoption and other issues that fall squarely in HR’s wheelhouse. According to an ISG study of “workplace of the future” initiatives, HR is often only “tangentially involved” even in discussions...
Organizations must put L&D technology to full use if they want to develop a strong learning culture, HR professionals say. Most companies have much work to do, and the deployment of mobile learning solutions has been surprisingly slow. While the great majority of HR professionals report using some form of...