
New product announcements, coverage of trends, strategies and customer demand and experiences from around the industry.

Microsoft has unveiled Workplace Analytics, an add-on to Office 365 Enterprise plans that gathers aggregate metadata from Office 365 users and puts it to work generating information that's largely about productivity. As an example, it can crunch email and calendar data to calculate how many meetings workers attend each...
Consulting firm Mercer has introduced Mercer Digital, which it describes as an “innovative approach to empowering organizations for the workforce and workplace of the future.” According to its web site, Mercer Digital offers “solutions across the full value chain — from digital strategy to organization design and workforce change —...
Up to 70 percent of U.S. small businesses, or roughly 1.5 million companies, have assigned HR responsibilities to staff members who handle the tasks in addition to their primary role, according to a study by ADP. The company found that such ad-hoc HR managers spend an average of more than...
New York-based Pymetrics is betting that it can minimize bias and improve the performance of candidate-screening by identifying the traits that contribute to a person’s success in a role and applying them to your incoming job applications. Everyone talks about bias in recruiting, and more HR experts are looking to technology...
Green Circle Health doesn't claim to be revolutionizing employers' approach to health and wellness benefits. Rather, it's increasing their impact by taking a pragmatic approach that's based on three foundation blocks: Widening the focus of health and wellness programs from the employee to their entire family. Providing each family...
A study by LendEDU, which is in the business of refinancing student loans, found that despite Gen Y's and Gen Z's penchant for technology, they'd rather deal with a human beings than robo-advisors when it comes to getting financial advice. With the Blade Runner sequel now hitting old-fashioned theaters--you know, the...
For obvious reasons, communicating with deskless employees is more difficult than reaching those who occupy the same seat every day. And despite the hype, mobile platforms won’t provide the complete solution. Communications is a big piece of the engagement puzzle. When you’re not in touch, warehouse workers, field technicians, drivers...
Google the term "executive buy in" and you'll get about 80,000 results, most of which--according to our unscientific review--relate to winning leadership support for one kind of corporate initiative or another. We weren't particularly surprised. Throughout the year, we've noticed an increasing penchant among vendors, HR leaders, bloggers and others...
Employers, engagement specialists and HCM technology vendors don't expect to see dramatic shifts in their approach to addressing sexual harassment any time soon. Despite recent headlines of high-ranking men using their positions to pressure women into quid pro quo situations, vendors, client-side tech leaders and HR professionals aren’t positioning technology...
We talked job boards with Jeff Dickey-Chasins. It doesn't seem that long ago that the term "online recruiting" was easily defined: It was all about job boards. Today, however, it encompasses everything from social media to general marketplaces like Craig's List to niche sites like and even sites like GitHub,...