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Our weekly roundup of deals, product announcements and other HR technology news. Employee experience company Workleap acquired Pingboard, a U.S.-based HR tech SaaS company with org chart and employee directory capabilities. With the acquisition, the company hopes to make the work experience simpler.  Despite economic uncertainty and the rise of AI,...
Our first video podcast. Our guest is Steve Rothberg, the founder of He’s been in this business a long time, so it’s always interesting to get his take on different moves companies make to keep up with changing markets. Today, we’re going to talk about job-board pricing –...
Findem unveiled an AI copilot to speed up a talent team’s repetitive sourcing work. The company said the product will allow TA specialists to work with more precision and efficiency, and provide them with more time to engage with candidates. Findem’s Copilot automatically prioritizes the top-performing channels and personalizes engagement...
Whatever the predictions, the percentage of workers in remote and hybrid roles has remained stable since the end of the pandemic, according to research from Perceptyx. And, the past two years have seen no statistical change in the overall proportion of employees working on-site. However, the behavior of new employees...
The labor market remains active but is cooling off, the Conference Board said, a trend it expects to continue until 2024’s second quarter, when job losses will begin. The board expects the unemployment rate will rise to 4.3% during the second half. The organization’s Employment Trends Index dropped to 113.05...
By Marilyn Pearson HendricksCo-founder and Managing PartnerWorkTech Advisory Inc. Anyone working in talent acquisition knows the traditional model is broken. Short-sighted practices and transactional relationships have resulted in an ecosystem in turmoil. Recruiting staff have been laid off in record numbers, and we’re only just starting to see the light...
Sponsored Our guest is Melissa Cebula, the head of talent acquisition at Cerberus Capital Management. She’s all about expanding talent pipelines with alternative strategies, so employers can build more diverse – and more effective – teams. We’re going to talk about how she goes about that, and what the payoffs...
Our weekly roundup of deals, product announcements and other HR technology news. Ceipal introduced a new integration with ADP Workforce Now. The link allows users to single-click automate payroll, timesheets and expenses by sending pay data from Ceipal to ADP. The system automatically syncs updates in real time, eliminating manual data entry...
Apple will accept pre-orders for its VR headset Vision Pro in the next few weeks, and begin shipping the product on February 2. The announcement came after weeks of speculation about the company's plans. Vision Pro is a wearable virtual/augmented-reality headset that allows users to access apps from the...
Dice is ratcheting up its efforts in employer branding with new features designed to help customers raise their visibility among technology-focused candidates. The features, called Company Profile and Discover Companies, aim to leverage an employer’s reputation as it presents its opportunities to job seekers. The Company Profile feature helps companies...