DEI: Gap Narrows Between Corporate Intention and Action

Diversity Meeting

The gap between what companies intend to do to address diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and what they are actually doing narrowed by 1.2% in 2022, to a -5.8% difference from the -7% gap recorded in 2021.

The numbers were published in’s 2022 DE&I Intentions vs. Actions Survey. The survey sampled 629 HR professionals from businesses of all sizes across 21 industries. Data was collected between March 10 and April 29, 2022.

The gap between what companies intend to do to address DEI and what they are actually doing narrowed in 2022. #HR #HRTech Share on X

The research found that 65% of organizations have proactive initiatives to demonstrate that diversity is a strategic mission. And while the vast majority (90%) of respondents intend to promote a culture in which employees feel supported and free to speak up, just under three-quarters agree or strongly agree that their employees already speak for themselves and feel supported.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Up or Down?

In addition, the survey suggests that progress is being made in terms of promoting diversity among leadership teams.

Forty-six percent of respondents said they have a diverse executive team, up from the 40% making the same assertion last year. Moreover, the number of respondents that confirmed they have an executive dedicated specifically to lead their organization’s DEI initiatives rose to 49% from 43% in 2021.

“Half of the organizations in the survey have a promotion, evaluation and succession process that allows diverse employees to grow within the organization. However, almost a third said their organization does not have DE&I resource/affinity/breakout groups that help foster change,” the report said.

‘Work Still Needs to Be Done’

In the research, HR professionals identified four areas as needing the most improvement in their company: recruitment and hiring, extending training and education to all employees, establishing and tracking metrics for progress and accountability, and investing more time, resources and budget to DEI goals and initiatives.

“Incremental progress is being made toward DE&I goals, yet this survey reveals work still needs to be done to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion becomes truly integrated into organizational culture,” said Lenna Turner,’s director of DE&I.

“Pressing issues related to the economy and the pandemic have likely taken some focus off DE&I initiatives, but hopefully organizations will remain steadfast in their expressed commitment to achieving it,” she said.

Image: iStock

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