Gen Z Candidates Drop Job Applications When Process Lags


Despite their interest, three-quarters of Gen Z candidates have dropped out of a job application because of poor hiring processes, according to a new survey from Bullhorn.

The findings are notable because of the high number of job vacancies today, and because Gen Z employees are forecast to comprise 27% of the global labor force by 2025, Bullhorn said.

Employers take note: Gen Z will walk away from job applications if the process is too clunky. #HR #HRTTech @Bullhorn Share on X

The most common reason for giving up on a job application was receiving a better opportunity elsewhere while waiting for a hiring process to finish (31%). Following that were a general lack of communication from the recruiter (17%), a process that simply takes too long (14%) or is too complicated (13%). Interestingly, fewer Gen Z applicants (12%) cited concerns over salary and benefits as a reason to move on.

Overall, the majority (85%) believe that the entire job search and placement process is outdated. That results in two out of five abandoning an opportunity between application and interview, Bullhorn said. One in three have given up before even submitting an application.

And while 95% agree that working with recruitment firms can help them land a better job, two out of five said their school, college or university hadn’t adequately prepared them for their job search.

Knowing the Score

In addition, the survey indicates that Gen Z candidates are aware of their marketability and expect to move from job to job in their early careers. Two-thirds (67%) plan to stay with their first employer for under three years, the survey said, while just 12% plan to remain where they are for more than five years.

“Work has become commoditized for younger generations, and enjoying a consumer-grade experience throughout the entire hiring journey has become just as important as the work itself,” said Andre Mileti, product evangelist, talent experience at Bullhorn. “Talent are abandoning job applications and interviews at the same rate they abandon online shopping carts in search of a better deal or faster shipping.”

Mileti said employers need to leverage modern digital marketing, recruitment and user experience best practices, otherwise they’ll have a hard time attracting, engaging and retaining younger talent. “If the job application process is not as easy as scrolling through Instagram, you will lose,” he said.

Image: 123RF

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