Modern Hire Launches Tool to Assess Recent Graduates

Digital Work

Employers are planning to hire almost one-third more new college graduates this year than they did last year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook. Even with an economic downturn predicted, experts believe the current job market offers college graduates a number of options to choose from in terms of pay, benefits and growth. 

However, recruiting recent graduates presents a problem for hiring teams, a situation Modern Hire means to address with the Graduate Virtual Job Tryout (VJT), a tool designed for entry level roles around the globe.

.@ModernHire means to address pain points with the Graduate Virtual Job Tryout (VJT), a tool designed for entry level roles around the globe. #HR #HRTech Share on X

An extension of ModernHire’s VJT simulation- and text-based assessment technology, Graduate VJT measures skill competencies as well as the likelihood a candidate will stay at a job.

Attracting Recent Graduates

With many companies vying for the same candidates, and pressure on recruiters to fill high-volume roles, businesses are left to working with campus recruiting and job fairs, which they often find arduous. According to Modern Hire, its new tool will help organizations identify new job market candidates and recent graduates for open roles.

“Candidates have an opportunity to showcase their abilities while also getting a sense of what it would be like to work at the company,” said Modern Hire’s Chief Science Officer Mike Hudy. “And simultaneously, employers can identify candidates with the skills to succeed, resulting in better quality of hire.”

With VJT, hiring teams can invite all their candidates at once to complete an assessment, which eliminates manual outreach   and potential delays in the hiring process. Because candidates are evaluated based on objective, job-relevant data, instead of relying on less objective standards such as a resume reviews, the Graduate VJT also helps drive a more fair, ethical hiring process, Modern Hire said.

In addition, as candidates engage in a series of exercises specific to a particular job, they learn more about the employer and can better determine if a role is right for them. Modern Hire believes the result is candidates who feel they’ve been treated fairly and, even if they don’t get the job, they leave the experience with a positive impression of the company.

Image: iStock

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