New Glassdoor Tools Help Employers Spotlight Diversity Efforts

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Glassdoor launched new features geared toward helping companies showcase the results of their diversity and inclusion efforts.

The first of them, the Diversity & Inclusion Rating, lets employees use a five-point scale to rate their satisfaction with the D&I efforts of current or former employers. The resulting score will appear alongside Glassdoor’s existing factors: career opportunities, compensation & benefits, culture & values, senior management and work-life balance.

.@Glassdoor launched new features aimed at helping employers showcase the results of their D&I efforts. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Next, employees and candidates can, if they choose to, share demographic information, which can help others see how the workforce-diversity picture looks on the ground. Users can provide information on race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status and parental status, among other things. Eventually, Glassdoor said it will display the results along with ratings, salary reports and other information, broken out by specific groups at each employer.

Finally, the company is introducing a Company FAQ feature that presents the most common questions job seekers ask about companies, including a section focused on D&I. Responses are taken from the employee reviews posted on the site.

Diversity a Factor for Candidates

Glassdoor positions the features as helping both employers and job seekers. Candidates are interested in how a prospective employer’s diversity policies shape up, while many companies want to demonstrate their commitment to creating and maintaining an inclusive culture. Employers who put their money where their mouth is can stand out when recruiting, since 63% of candidates and employees believe their employer should do more to increase diversity, according to Glassdoor research.

Glassdoor also added a dedicated section on its employer profiles to spotlight D&I programs, initiatives. Employers can use it to present current workforce demographic information, along with goals for improving company diversity.

Last week, Workday announced new products to help employers develop and implement effective D&I initiatives. The offerings include content on best practices, reports on the state of the workforce’s diversity and an index helps organizations measure and benchmark their efforts.

Meanwhile, Oracle Cloud HCM added a pre-built dashboard to help employers identify statistics and trends they can use to improve their D&I activities.

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