New Qualtrics Manager Assist Helps Managers Act on Employee Feedback

Data Meeting

Qualtrics unveiled Qualtrics Manager Assist, a new product designed to help managers listen, understand and act on feedback from their teams in real time.

The pitch is about employee attitudes and retention. Manager Assist brings together the components managers need to increase productivity and engagement, and reduce attrition, Qualtrics said. It analyzes the feedback employees provide through engagement surveys and, with Qualtrics Discover, what they’re  saying on public channels.

.@Qualtrics' new Manager Assist is designed to help managers listen, understand and act on feedback from their teams in real time. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Based on the data points available through Qualtrics’ XM Platform, Manager Assist will help users understand their biggest risks and opportunities, the company said. It provides managers with a picture of how trends are impacted both by geography and industry, and offersa utomated recommendation prompts so they can take appropriate action.

The Havoc of Bad Managers

Three quarters of employees leave their jobs because of a bad manager, according to a Gallup poll. At the same time, SHRM estimates it costs six to nine months of salary to replace an employee – on top of the lost revenue opportunities that come from being short-handed.

At the same time, managers are untrained, underprepared and burned out, Qualtrics said. A recent study by the company found that 43% of managers feel more pressure to produce results than they did a year ago. As budgets tighten, productivity has become increasingly important, and there’s more pressure to retain high-performing workers.

Data to Understand Employee Sentiment

Brad Anderson, Qualtrics president of products and engineering, said Manager Assist provides data managers can use to understand employee sentiment and their reactions to the employee experience. In turn, he said, managers can take appropriate actions to keep teams working effectively, even while they avoid the expense of employee attrition.

The product also uses built-in action planning and collaboration tools that simplify managers’ meeting with their employees to collaborate, brainstorm ideas and create plans based on the team’s feedback.

Qualtrics said Manager Assist will be available in early 2023.

In October, Qualtrics announced new XM Benchmarks to help give organizations the analysis they need to make decisions based on Qualtrics’ experience data and analytics.

The new benchmarks come from Qualtrics’ nearly 17,000 customers in addition to targeted panel data from surveys. Qualtrics said the collection of human sentiment data ensures these benchmarks will be accurate and comprehensive.

Image: 123RF

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