Paycom Adds Management Tools to Mobile App

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Paycom released Manager on-the-Go, a tool within its mobile app that provides managers with around-the-clock ability to perform tasks such as approving time-off requests or expense reimbursements.

Acknowledging that “work doesn’t stop coming in when leaders are away from their desks,” Paycom founder and CEO Chad Richison said Manager on-the-Go “gives a company’s leaders the ability to efficiently accomplish tasks on Paycom’s mobile app, which frees HR departments.” Giving managers easier access to administrative tools, the company reasons, helps prevent certain tasks from creeping into the HR department and distributes the approval process “more broadly.”

Paycom released Manager on-the-Go to help managers approve time-off requests or expense reimbursements while away from the office. @Paycom #HR #HRTech Share on X

With the new functionality, managers and supervisors using Paycom can edit and approve timecards, review their team’s time-off calendar, manage employee schedules, approve expense reports and create and approve forms. Because the tool requires no additional login or user information, users can toggle between Manager-on-the-Go and Paycom’s Employee Self-Service and Mileage Tracker.

Paycom says the feature “will be particularly transformative in industries where managers do not always have access to a computer.” However, Manager-on-the-Go seems to incorporate functionality that most users have come to expect from a mobile app. As the contingent, gig and deskless workforces grow, a number of vendors have added tools to streamline scheduling, approve employee requests and present workforce analytics to HR teams and line managers.

Manager on-the-Go is Paycom’s first software release of 2020. Last year, the company rolled out enhancements including Direct Data Exchange, a management analytics tool; Ask Here, which answers employee questions; and features to Paycom Learning that help employees demonstrate skills knowledge and allow subject matter experts to create and distribute video-based microlearning content.

The company also began construction of a 150,000-square-foot facility outside of Dallas. The Oklahoman said Paycom expects the new building to open sometime in late 2020.

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