Symphony Adds Hybrid Events Management to SmashFlyX CRM


Symphony Talent launched new features that manage and automate virtual and in-person recruiting events. Called SmashFlyX Events, the product handles event activities during pre-registration, the event itself, through post-event follow up and hiring.

With hybrid work becoming mainstream and the pandemic’s fallout from still settling, employers need to evolve their thinking about events to include both the in-person and virtual worlds, Symphony Talent believes. To appeal to talent around the world, talent acquisition and HR professionals are putting more emphasis on recruitment marketing technology.

.@SymphonyTalent adds module to manage and automate both virtual and in-person recruiting events. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Designed to work in concert with Symphony’s recruiting-marketing platform, SmashFlyX Events helps employers cast a wider net by advertising across multiple media channels, leveraging contacts already in a company’s CRM and using analytics to tie everything together. Gathering its capabilities onto one platform helps users take advantage of the automation and tools available in SmashFlyX to extend their existing communication technologies.

SmashFlyX Events’s primary features include:

  • Centralized Events Management in CRM: Simplifies adding a new event to career websites. Using provided templates, employers can activate events to automatically publish and create a CRM folder to begin promotion and registration.
  • Cast a Wider Net: Invites internal contacts from within the CRM and coordinates programmatic advertising from within the SmashFlyX platform.  
  • Tracking Registered Contacts: Contacts who register for events are automatically routed to the event folder. Users can invite additional contacts to register, and customize registration to collect candidate information and trigger workflows.
  • Qualify Event Participants at Scale: Allows users to leverage workflow automation and assessments within SmashFlyX to select screeners, credentials and virtual interviews to associate with an event.
  • Remind and Follow Up: Automatically logs all engagement before, during and after an event- into the SmashFlyX CRM. Triggers workflows to develop candidates and schedule them for interviews with hiring managers.  
  • Nurture and Convert Leads Into Hires: Using campaigns and automation, promote job openings to event participants.

“Events have always been a powerful way to fuel talent pipelines quickly and also generate awareness for employer brands simultaneously,” said CEO Roopesh Nair. “But as the world shifts through technology and workplace trends, we have to create event experiences that meet today’s expectations.”

Symphony Talent launched SmashFlyX in June 2020, months after its acquisition of SmashFly Technologies. The combination joined Symphony’s employer-branding and creative services with Smashfly’s recruitment marketing and CRM tools.

Image: iStock

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