Symphony Talent Launches SmashFlyX, New Talent Marketing Platform


Symphony Talent launched SmashFlyX, which it describes as a “reimagined” talent marketing platform. The product makes available candidate relationship management, career site, talent mobility and programmatic advertising solutions through a single interface.

The product is one result of Symphony’s acquisition of SmashFly Technologies in November. The combination joined Symphony’s employer-branding and creative services with Smashfly’s recruitment marketing and CRM tools.

.@SymphonyTalent launched SmashFlyX, a “reimagined” platform for CRM, career site, talent mobility and programmatic advertising. #HR #HRTech #Recruiting Share on X

Roopesh Nair, Symphony Talent’s CEO, said the company focused on developing a single platform because “talent acquisition greatness requires a combination of automating high-volume touchpoints and empowering teams for action and decision-confidence.”

Since SmashFly’s acquisition, Symphony’s worked to unify the two platforms’ capabilities. In addition, its product and creative teams designed a completely new interface to support ease of use and adoption. The teams undertook their work after gathering feedback from customers, said Chief Product Officer Ajay Kutty.

The Wide Net of SmashFlyX

Among other things, the platform allows talent acquisition teams—including recruiters and marketers—to create, automate and measure a variety of campaigns in one place, including paid search, email, social media, SMS and job ads.

The platform’s major capabilities include:

  • Dashboard: Customizable by widget, allows users to “dive into” into specific pipelines and jobs, campaigns and recommendations.
  • Automation of job alerts, self-optimizing advertising campaigns and certain actions based on metrics.
  • Pipeline intelligence: The CRM’s recommendation engine prioritizes top internal and external candidates, filters by pipeline or job match and brand engagement, and prompts and automates actions and workflows.
  • Personalization: The platform’s content management system personalizes jobs, events, images and content as the visitor interacts with the employer’s website.
  • Video interviewing, integrated with the CRM to provide interviews and assessments from the CRM profile and auto-trigger virtual screenings.
  • Analytics is offered through a single data structure across every module, including CRM and programmatic advertising.

The platform is ATS agnostic, Symphony said. 

That the new platform carries SmashFly’s name makes some sense. Many talent acquisition leaders consider that the better-known brand. Founded in 2007, SmashFly was one of the earliest players in the recruitment marketing space. At the time of the merger, more than a third of its customers were said to be in the Fortune 500, while Symphony claimed about 30 “large enterprise brands” on its client roster.

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Image: Symphony Talent

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