TalentGuard Tools Streamline Job, Skills Data

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TalentGuard introduced the Intelligent Role Studio, a solution that combines subject matter expertise with algorithmic intelligence to help employers maintain job and skills data and use it to make workforce-related decisions.

Previously, global organizations required between 9 and 18 months to update their job roles and competencies, TalentGuard said. The Intelligent Role Studio (IRS, for short) uses AI and machine learning to accelerate, automate and simplify key processes in job role and skills management across the enterprise. This cuts delivery time and allows organizations to match people with roles, design career paths and assess performance consistently throughout the company.

.@TalentGuard's Intelligent Role Studio combines subject matter expertise with algorithmic intelligence to help maintain, leverage job and skills data. #HR #HRTech Share on X

The approach “is human-centric where AI and ML are applied at strategic high-risk, high-value points that complement and boost the performance of talent management practitioners,” said TalentGuard Chief Technology Officer Frank Ginac.

TalentGuard claims use of the URS will eliminate up to 75% of traditional manual service provider functions such as competency mapping, job calibration and learning mapping. The solution can be a single source of truth and centralized repository for data on job roles, skills, capabilities and employee talent profiles.

The system can also automatically build career progressions based on job grades, job families, titles, similar skills and existing internal data on career moves. The system also evolves under the supervision of SMEs. TalentGuard describes the platform’s AI as continuously scouting internal and external data for clues that a role is changing. “It then calls on SMEs to review and train it, building trust in the AI’s ability to act autonomously,” its website said.

IRS aims to the heart of one HR’s biggest concerns: Employers are worried about whether their workers will be able to master the skills necessary to help their business succeed. In December, more than two-thirds of HR leaders, 68%, told Gartner that building critical skills and competencies is their top priority for 2021. A number of businesses, HR technology vendors and employees have focused on reskilling as an important area for business and career success as employers sought to drive efficiency and workers aimed to make themselves more attractive as either internal or external candidates.

Image: iStock

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