AI Still Has Plenty of Running Room in Talent Acquisition

HCM Technology Man

While artificial intelligence has established a firm foothold in talent acquisition, new data shows that advanced technology still has plenty of growth potential among employers as they fiercely pursue candidates.

Data presented by Aptitude Research founder Madeline Laurano shows 46% of TA functions currently use AI to one degree or another, while more than half, 54%, do not. Only 9% of employers use AI across talent acquisition, while 15% use it inconsistently. Some 22% are just starting out with it, Laurano said.

New data shows that #AI still has plenty of growth potential among employers as they pursue candidates. #HR #HRTech Share on X

Laurano spoke at the HR Technology virtual conference.

Last year, research by Eightfold showed that nearly early 82% of HR practitioners thought their teams would incorporate more AI tools into their talent management processes over the next five years. Some 60% of HR leaders planned to leverage AI to promote inclusion and equity, as well as to upskill and reskill employees to prepare them for a future with the company.

Knowledge and Trust

Companies not using AI offered several reasons for holding off with the greatest number, 44%, explaining they don’t know enough about the technology to get into some kind of implementation. Seventeen percent said progress was hung up because senior leaders won’t get behind the technology, and 12% said they don’t trust it. Nine percent worry that AI will somehow hurt the candidate experience.

All of that indicates something of a disconnect between how people regard AI at work and at home. Through services like Netflix, Amazon Alexa, virtual banking and the Weather Channel, Laurano pointed out, most everyone involved in TA is already being touched by AI in one way or another.

In all likelihood, the landscape won’t remain in its current state for very long. Nearly two-thirds, 63%, of organizations are increasing their spend on AI for talent acquisition this year, Laurano observed. “There’s certainly an increased investment and interest in AI and I think we’re going to expect to see a lot of these percentages change over the next year,” she said.

Image: iStock

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