Data & Analytics

No one can question the importance of analytics in the business world. As the technology behind data use becomes more sophisticated, HR departments are challenged to find metrics that provide true and accurate measures of both their performance and that of the organization’s workforce as a whole. Here we examine the progress of technology surrounding data’s use and explore how companies can ensure they’re measuring the correct things.

Employers, engagement specialists and HCM technology vendors don't expect to see dramatic shifts in their approach to addressing sexual harassment any time soon. Despite recent headlines of high-ranking men using their positions to pressure women into quid pro quo situations, vendors, client-side tech leaders and HR professionals aren’t positioning technology...
We spoke with Eric Duffy, the founder and CEO of New York-based Pathgather, a learning-platform provider that sees organizations becoming "universities of the 21st century." To Duffy, learning departments face huge challenges when it comes to keeping up with content production, rapidly changing development needs and an ever-expanding list...
One of the most promising tools for truly measuring engagement is growing its presence in Europe and now entering the U.S. KeenCorp, headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, integrates its software with company email systems to gauge how employees feel at any given moment. Unlike surveys, it requires no effort...
While HCM technology vendors trumpet their advancements in artificial intelligence and analytics, it appears their customers' executives are increasingly nervous about the possible repercussions of relying on flawed data or analytics. According to KPMG's "Guardians of Trust" report, just 35 percent of executives have "a high trust level" when it...
The application of workforce analytics has experienced a “stunning regression” since 2014, according to a recent report. This comes despite aggressive efforts by data experts and HCM consultants to inject the use of analytics into everything from candidate screening to engagement measurement and workforce planning. The 2018 Global Leadership Forecast—by...
Employers are increasingly gathering a wide range of data on employees, including their personal social media use as well as their workplace behavior. Employees aren’t happy. According to the HR Metrics & Analytics Summit, 80 percent of organizations use employee records and data to measure performance. “A fair number” use...
LinkedIn is preparing to launch Talent Insights, a self-serve product that provides talent professionals with direct access to data and analytics on talent pools and companies. When it becomes available in October, users will be able to tap into data and insights and better understand labor market trends, the...
ADP has added an “Insights” feature to its Mobile Solutions app, allowing managers and business leaders to receive real-time workforce analytics while away from their desks. Using—what else—AI and machine learning, the feature continually tracks wage, time, location, industry, and other types of data to uncover trends and other insights...
Sprint unveiled an IoT platform it calls Curiosity, which allows enterprises to manage IoT devices and connectivity across SIM profiles and quickly generate information from device data collected through the system’s core. While the platform wasn’t created with HR issues in mind, it could be a foundation for improved employee...
LinkedIn officially launched Talent Insights this morning, making available its first self-service analytics product. The news comes a day after Microsoft announced further integrations of LinkedIn into MS Office. Talent Insights provides companies with access to LinkedIn’s global database of more than 575 million professionals, 20 million companies and 15...