Half of IT Professionals Likely to Seek New Jobs as Attrition Bites Industry

Programmer at Work

A little over half (53%) of IT professionals are extremely or somewhat likely to look for a new job in the next year as turnover and recruitment emerge as pressing challenges to the IT industry.

This comes from a new study by learning experiences provider Skillsoft, which surveyed 7,952 IT decision-makers and staff around the world. The research was conducted between May and August 2022. 

.@Skillsoft says little over half of IT professionals are likely to look for a new job in the next year. #HR #HRTech Share on X

The study reported that the slow pace of digital adoption and shortage of technical resources has burned out many IT workers, in addition to pressures that originated with the Great Resignation and “quiet quitting.” Better compensation, a lack of training and development and poor work-life balance are the top reasons cited by IT professionals for changing jobs in the past year, the research found.

‘Learning Is the Catalyst’

According to Zach Sims, Skillsoft’s general manager of technology and development, “learning is the catalyst”  for mutually beneficial growth between organizations and their workers. In particular, learning will help employers overcome their struggle with retaining technical talent and also keep pace with innovation. 

The importance of learning in the workplace among IT professionals was reinforced by the finding that 66% of IT decision-makers identified skills gaps in their teams as a concern. Although this percentage represents a 10% decrease from last year’s figure, Skillsoft said it still represents “a considerable challenge.”

On the other hand, professionals say the number one obstacle to training in the workplace is indifference from management, which often doesn’t see a need for it.   

Companies that foster a culture of learning and talent development will be the most successful in recruiting and retaining ambitious individuals with the right skills and certifications to make an impact, Sims believes.

Skillsoft’s results roughly with, Qualtrics’ 2023 Employee Experience Report, which concludes that a “fresh collision” is brewing between burned-out employees who want more support and organizations that want to streamline budgets without surrendering productivity.

Image: 123RF

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