IT Professionals Consider Switching Jobs Amidst Pressures of Remote Work

IT Professionals Consider Switching Jobs Amidst Pressures of Remote Work

Around 25% of IT professionals are seriously contemplating leaving their current jobs within the next six months, according to research from Ivanti. The study found that the key factor for IT turnover is the added stress of hybrid and remote working, namely the lack of resources, tools and support available to these employees.

IT and other tech workers are highly sought after in today’s market, despite recent layoffs, to help companies implement and manage new technology.

“Organizations can’t drive forward the next wave of workplace disruption and innovation if their tech talent isn’t fully engaged — whether due to burnout, or because they have one foot out the door,” Ivanti said.

Still, more than half of respondents said the shift to hybrid and remote working has caused significant negative impacts on their work lives. The report found the impacts include:

– 73% increase in workloads due to hybrid or remote working, leading to 1 in 4 respondents reporting burnout.
– 23% cite loss of connection to colleagues compared to just 17% of office workers.
– 2.5 times more likely to work longer hours when working remotely.
– Among the quarter considering quitting their jobs, 31% report their mental health is suffering.

The study also found that IT employees are 1.4 times more likely to “quiet quit” than other knowledge workers. Despite this, few respondents – around 16% – said they would want to work in an office full-time again, putting companies in an awkward position.

Change is Needed

The company said this research shows the “pressing need for organizations to relieve the burden experienced by IT professionals due to the shift to hybrid and remote work.”

“IT teams are the driving force making Everywhere Work a reality for organizations, yet they are grappling with a heavy workload,” said Jeff Abbott, CEO at Ivanti. “In fact, organizations continue to struggle to retain IT talent (a decades long problem) – and it is costing them productivity gains and affecting their bottom line. Companies must embrace automation to alleviate IT workloads, ultimately fostering a destination environment that retains premier IT professionals and cultivates a competitive advantage.

Image: Canva

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