SocialChorus Adds Analytics to Improve Communications Measurement

SocialChorus Analyze

SocialChorus launched analytics features to help employers measure the business impact of their internal communications.

Added to SocialChorus’s Analyze tool, the features include new analytics functionality and an executive summary designed to present a clear picture of the state of a company’s employee communications, better tie them to business initiatives and understand what’s working and what’s not.

New @SocialChorus tools help employers measure business impact of internal communications campaigns. #HR #HRTech Share on X

The tools allow HR and communications teams to track efforts related to specific business initiatives, measure response across all digital channels and analyze data with visualization and filtering capabilities.

A key area of concern for SocialChorus seems to be information overload. Even while it’s providing access to more data, the company is seeking to make it more digestible. In a blog post, Vice President of Product Marketing Mike Walsh said users will first see an executive summary when they open Analyze. The summary will detail the number of employees reached and how they’ve engaged with content, with breakdowns by location, channel and top posts.

Detailed Communications Measurement

A new set of reports breaks down campaigns by areas such as audience, channel, initiative and posts. That will help users determine which channels are most effective, which departments and locations need more support and identify the best time of day to distribute content.

The new features are available now, and Walsh said Analyze will be updated again based on customer feedback.

In February, SocialChorus launched integrations with Microsoft Office 365, including capabilities for Microsoft Teams. Those tools allow users of SocialChorus Studio to distribute information across three Microsoft products—Outlook, Sharepoint and Teams, providing a central point of publishing so users can target and re-target content across the products—what SharePoint calls “employee endpoints.” It also provides unified insights and analytics.

Launched in October 2019, Analyze is meant to help companies deliver communications across a workforce that’s increasingly dispersed and changing demographically. “Even if organizations acquire more tools to satisfy their workforce’s needs, measurement of the impact of internal communications across these tools has been lacking,” the company said at the time.

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Image: SocialChorus

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