Workday’s Bhusri Underscores Commitment to Blockchain

Workday Credentials

Workday co-founder and CEO Aneel Bhusri reiterated his company’s commitment to blockchain, describing it to CNBC as “a technology looking for a problem to solve,” then adding, “we found one to solve, which is credentials.”

Speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Bhusri said a blockchain system would prevent candidates from lying about their professional and educational histories because “employees can go from company to company and carry credentials with them in a private network. It can’t be edited by an outside source.”

Workday has been working on ways to move credentials such as licenses and certifications into the blockchain environment for some time. In May, it acquired Trusted Key, a digital identity platform built on a blockchain foundation.

Workday’s CEO reiterated his commitment to #blockchain, calling credentialing a problem the tech is able to solve. @Workday #HR #HRTect Share on X

At the time, Senior Vice President Jon Ruggiero said in a blog post that “while the world of work has been transformed by technology, credentials haven’t changed much — today, they’re still largely offline and paper-based, and verifying a credential often requires a lot of manual effort and time.” Workday’s blockchain focus, Ruggiero said, is meant to bring credentials “into the digital age.”

During October’s Workday Rising conference, the company launched beta versions of Workday Credentials and WayTo by Workday, both blockchain-powered credentialing technologies. Workday Credentials helps issue, manage and verify credentials for all types of workers including employees, contractors, students and partners. WayTo is a mobile app that gives individuals a better way to store, manage and share their credentials.

Those credentialing tools, and other new features launched at the same time, were driven by customer demand, Workday said. Based on feedback, the company “made significant and unique investments” to build solutions that address challenges that include “a multi-faceted workforce, new ways of working and a distributed workplace.”

Here’s Bhusri’s interview on CNBC.

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Image: Workday

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