Roundup: LinkedIn ‘Nudges’ for DEI; Modern Hire Unveils Interview Tech

News Roundup

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LinkedIn launched Diversity Nudges, which notify employers when their talent pool becomes unbalanced by gender. When gender representation is off, users will be alerted and provided with the male/female relationship of a search. The tool will also provide recommendations of skills, locations and company filters that can be added to improve a search’s gender balance.

Modern Hire announced interview technology that uses advanced AI models to evaluate candidate responses and provide hiring teams with recommended scores. Building on the success of A\IS for U.S.-based hiring, Modern Hire AIS will be offered in 23 languages, including dialects, to support ethical and diverse hiring world-wide.

In this week's #HRTech roundup: @LinkedIn launches 'Diversity Nudges," while @ModernHire unveils AI-driven interview technology. #HR Share on X

Alight launched Alight Payment Services, which offers global companies a simplified, end-to-end payroll and payments process. The service is available to organizations that want to streamline payroll processes, control costs and reduce the administrative burden of global transaction management. Key features include simplified global payment processing, single currency settlement and global payroll enhancements.

Crosschq announced new features for the Wall, its talent pipeline visualization product. They include See Candidate Freshness by Stage, Rank Job Health and View Upcoming Interviews. With the new functionality, the company said, the Wall continues to evolve into a “true collaboration and productivity tool.”

Half of American businesses expect to see a reduction in headcount, while 52% predict instituting a hiring freeze, according to PwC. Meanwhile, 44% are rescinding job offers. At the same time, executives said acquiring and retaining talent is a serious risk. In particular, companies are on the lookout for people with skills that can help them grow.

While 86% of employed Americans say they are very or somewhat happy in their current job, half are looking for a new position, 36% passively and 14% actively. According to a Harris Poll study sponsored by CareerArc, job seekers are turning to social media to find work: Some 58% of job seekers search for information about potential employers on social media while 48% of both Gen Z and Millennials with work experience have applied to opportunities they found on social media. More than 45% of job seekers say social media is very important to their job search.

Some 93% of companies have either continued to increase their investment or spend the same on traditional sourcing channels like job boards and ads, few are measuring ROI or recognizing measurable improvements in hiring outcomes, according to study by Aptitude Research, funded by Aliro.

LiveHire and recruitment intelligence platform CrintellTech announced a strategic alliance. Going forward, LiveHire customers will be able to automate their process for sourcing and engaging with passive candidates from job board databases and professional networks. The CrintellTech Chrome App/Extension provides two products for the sourcing of external candidates and passing them directly into LiveHire.

Livestorm, a platform that allows users to manage meetings and webinars, added new features to tighten up events for both leaders and attendees. The features – which include – help mitigate challenges such as distractions and running over scheduled meeting time, and help improve engagement.

Incredible Health, a career marketplace for permanent healthcare workers, secured $80 million in Series B funding, bringing the company’s valuation to $1.65 billion. This new funding will support initiatives to help health systems and their employees manage surging patient care demand, and supports Incredible Health’s mission of helping healthcare workers find and do their best work.

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Podcast: How to Leverage Your Culture for Talent Acquisition

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